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Archive for Oktober 2011
About me
About me
Full name: Azwar Azmillah Sujaswara
Nickname: Azwar
Gender: Male
Place and date of birth: Tasikmalaya, 19 June 1996
School: Junior AL-Muttaqin
Religion: Islam
Hobbies: playing games, basketball, reading
Favorite food: anything good
Favorite drink: coconut ice
Favorite books: biology textbooks, encyclopedias
My future dream: Japanes scholarship, recorded in the books of history and biology, being an influential person in the world
Full name: Azwar Azmillah Sujaswara
Nickname: Azwar
Gender: Male
Place and date of birth: Tasikmalaya, 19 June 1996
School: Junior AL-Muttaqin
Religion: Islam
Hobbies: playing games, basketball, reading
Favorite food: anything good
Favorite drink: coconut ice
Favorite books: biology textbooks, encyclopedias
My future dream: Japanes scholarship, recorded in the books of history and biology, being an influential person in the world